Frequently asked questions

Benvenuti alle FAQ di RentalPro, la tua guida per capire come possiamo aiutarti a trarre il massimo vantaggio dalla tua proprietà affittandola a breve termine.

Qui troverai le risposte alle domande più comuni che i proprietari si pongono quando considerano di affidare la loro casa a RentalPro.

Se non trovi la risposta che stai cercando, non esitare a contattarci.

How do you handle legal issues related to renting my property?

We have a team of legal and tax professionals to take care of all legal aspects related to renting your property, including drafting lease agreements, handling any disputes, and tax compliance. In addition, we have partnerships with lawyers and accountants to ensure that all legal aspects are always in order.

How will rent payments and billing be handled?

We manage rental payments through a secure online payment system and regularly send landlords an invoice detailing income and expenses.

What are the costs of managing my property?

RentalPro requires only a percentage of the profits generated from the management of your property's short rentals, so we can ensure that our interests are aligned with yours and that we can continue to work together to generate growing revenue.

What guarantees of reliability and security do you offer for my property and guests?

RentalPro provides guarantees of reliability and security for your property and your guests, including insurance to cover any damage to the property and a guest verification system to ensure that only trustworthy people have access to your property.

How do you manage the cleaning and maintenance of the property?

We have multiple professional cleaning teams who take care of the cleaning and maintenance of your property before and after each guest stay. We also keep in touch with owners to report any problems or maintenance requests to ensure that your property is always in excellent condition.

How do you deal with the promotion and booking of rentals?

We promote your property on major online booking sites and on our website to ensure maximum visibility. In addition, we have a dedicated team that manages reservations and ensures that everything is in order for guest check-in.

What are the benefits to me as a property owner of entrusting my property to RentalPro?

By entrusting your property to RentalPro, you will gain increased revenue, reduced operational problems, and access to a network of qualified local agents.

How does RentalPro's short rental management process work?

RentalPro provides a complete property management service for property owners who want to rent their homes on a short-term basis. We handle everything from promoting and booking rentals, to cleaning and maintaining the property, to checking in and out guests.

Who will stay in my property?

You will not need to look for guests-we will do it for you.

We have a high-profile brand and aim to accommodate tourists, travelers and professionals with excellent ratings to avoid problems and property damage.

What happens if a guest spoils the property?

All properties managed by RentalPro are protected by damage and liability insurance up to 3 million, which covers damage to the property and all items in it, or other untoward events such as theft and fire.

Should the value of your property exceed this amount, the expert assigned to you will be able to take out an additional policy at a special price from our insurance partner.

Can I give you unfurnished property for management?

Our experts evaluate each proposal on a case-by-case basis. In order to be able to bring income to a property in the short-term rental sector, it is important that it be tastefully and simply furnished in a simple, modern style.

If your property is unfurnished, contact us for a free estimate-the expert assigned to you will also be able to estimate a furniture estimate and support you in purchasing and installing all furniture and appliances.

Why should I entrust my property to RentalPro? What makes you different?

Unlike most property managers, RentalPro is a Swiss entity structured throughout Europe. All RentalPro experts have been trained and certified by the best industry training and are supervised by high-profile consultants.

We have a common goal: to maximize the return on your property.

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Do you have additional questions? Contact us

If you have not found the answer to a question you have, please do not hesitate to contact us.