10 Upsells to Airbnb stays that won't bore your guests

Many vacation rental owners hate the idea of selling products to their guests for fear of seeming greedy, but aren't you missing an opportunity?

It is possible, because nowadays you can easily increase profits and improve your experience through upselling on Airbnb in a smart way.

Obviously, to be able to offer these kinds of upsells and experiences, it is necessary to operate on an entrepreneurial level and, therefore, with a VAT number.

Upselling is an easy way to maximize revenue while providing the best possible experience for your guests. And it doesn't have to be annoying or sleazy. It's all about what you sell and how you sell it. Put yourself in your guests' shoes and imagine those personal touches that they wouldn't mind paying for and that would make their vacation more enjoyable. So let's take a look at some innovative ways to increase vacation rental revenues through upselling!

What are Airbnb upsells?

Upselling is a sales technique used to convince guests to pay a little more for an even better overall experience. This tactic has been used by hotels for years, but has only recently made its way into the vacation rental industry.

The idea is to think about how to improve someone's vacation from start to finish.

What is the difference between cross-selling and upselling?

At first glance, they appear to mean the same thing. The difference is that cross-selling refers to selling a complementary product to another purchase, while upselling encourages the buyer to pay for an improved version of something. Both cross-selling and upselling can be successfully used to increase vacation rental revenue and improve the overall guest experience.

10 cool and unobtrusive Airbnb upsells that won't bore your guests:

1. Early check-in and late check-out.

Managing check-ins and check-outs can be a daunting task for the vacation rental owner, but it can be even more stressful for guests. If your check-out time is 2 p.m., but your flight doesn't leave until 9 a.m., you find yourself wandering aimlessly around town or dragging your luggage through the airport for hours. Most guests would rather pay a little extra to stay in the rental house for the afternoon or leave their luggage there while they explore the area a bit more.

2. Luggage storage.

Of course, early check-in and late check-out only work if the reservation times do not overlap. If another guest arrives on the same day of departure, early check-in or staying late is not possible. In this case, guests are left with no choice but to pay for a luggage storage. Finding a trusted storage service is not easy, especially in a big city. Also, your guests will have to carry their luggage until they find a storage facility that is not far from your rental home or the airport. In this case, offer to store your guests' luggage at your Airbnb or a trusted company. If a guest arrives early enough to visit, allow them to leave their luggage for a small fee and keep it safe.

3. Transportation

The chaos at the airport terminal can be overwhelming. Figuring out where to go, who can take you, and how much it will cost is enough to raise the blood pressure of even the coolest guests. Many guests will be all too happy to be rescued from this chaos and confusion by paying for transportation from the airport to your property. If you pick them up personally from the airport, you make more money and your guests often appreciate the personal touch. If this is not possible, another way to help your guests and earn a little extra money is to partner with a transportation company. Sign up as an affiliate, send your guests a link to the company's website or include it in the property description, and when guests book a ride through the link, you will receive a share of the profit. Some vacation rental owners rent their second car or motorcycle to guests during their stay. In this case, you need to check local laws and your insurance policy to avoid legal problems.

4. Sports equipment

Active guests will appreciate the idea of being able to rent sports or outdoor equipment directly from your property. This will help make their vacation more memorable. Some of the most popular sports equipment rentals are:

- Kayak

- Canoes

- Bicycles

- Snowshoes

- Snorkeling equipment

- Tennis equipment

Keep equipment rental prices lower than those of sports clubs or local stores to help your guests save money and ensure that they rent directly from you. Remember to include all safety equipment and accessories needed for each activity, such as life jackets and helmets.

5. Local experiences

Similarly, could you enhance your guests' experience by partnering with other parties to offer additional experiences such as horseback riding, rafting, cooking or yoga classes? Creating a collaborative relationship with these professionals will not only support the local economy, but also add value to your guests. In addition to improving the overall experience for your guests, you will be able to retain a percentage of all sales made by the local provider.

6. Enhance the welcome basket

A free welcome basket is a great way to make your guests feel at home, but with an optional enhanced basket, you'll give guests the opportunity to add more for a more personalized experience. For example, you could offer a luxury basket containing champagne, salmon, olives, artisanal cheeses, and specialty meats to encourage a romantic evening at home.

Other baskets might include:

- Local chef's basket: recipes, spices and wines specific to the area

- Self-care basket: facials, bath bombs, locally made soaps, lotions, tea, chocolate, and a list of the best spas in town.

- Farmers' market basket: fruits, vegetables, and fresh homemade bread from local farmers and bakers.

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7. Health or beauty kit

We all know the frustration of going on vacation without a toothbrush, toothpaste or contact lens case. Offering some beauty or health products for emergencies at your lodging, paying a small fee, would avoid the need for an urgent run to the stores. Other essential products could be bug sprays and sunscreen, as well as local beauty products or treatments from local providers, such as facials or massages.

8. Snacks and drinks

Most guests do not expect you to provide free drinks or snacks. However, the hotel's mini-bar concept may be appreciated. Offer cold drinks or wine in the refrigerator and some snacks, such as popcorn, chips, crackers, or candy bars with an attached price list. Avoid raising prices too high, but it is perfectly acceptable for customers to pay a little more than they would if they had to go out and buy the items themselves.

9. Intermediate cleaning booked

This is a little extra that we wouldn't mind paying for at all. Who doesn't like the luxury of coming home to a freshly cleaned space after a long day of sightseeing?

10. A fully stocked pantry

Imagine arriving at your vacation home with your pantry already stocked with all your favorite dishes ordered in advance. No need to run to the store before you can settle in and start enjoying your vacation. Another way to do this is simply to stock your pantry with the things you think your guests might like and let them pay for the items they use.

What are the advantages of upsells in short rentals?

o Increase revenue

To run a profitable vacation rental business, you have to be creative and put in the necessary hours. By changing the way you do things and thinking about what improvements to include in your property, you will have greater potential to increase your annual income.

o Positive reviews

By offering services that simplify the vacation experience and go the extra mile, you will make guests feel cared for and pampered, resulting in positive reviews and returning customers.

o More reservations

Travelers looking to simplify their vacations will be more likely to choose a rental home that offers upsell options such as airport transfers or mid-stay housekeeping than properties that offer only basic services.

Kick off your upsell process on Airbnb NOW

What Airbnb upsell options make the most sense for your property? Housekeeping, grocery delivery services, honeymoon packages, or even a personal driver? The list is endless! Every vacation rental is different, and depending on where yours is located and what your niche market is, you should be able to come up with a number of special and subtle upgrades that not only won't annoy your guests, but can make a big difference to their stay. Think outside the box and imagine the little luxuries that you wouldn't mind paying extra for during your vacation.

Do you have upselling ideas we haven't mentioned? Contact us on our social channels or at our email info@rentalprogroup.com!

The RentalPro Team