Airbnb ranking: how to improve the SEO of your listing

The main goal of vacation rental owners is to get as many reservations as possible at the best possible rate.

There are several ways to achieve this, such as improving facilities, having a professional photographer take photos of the property, or creating a website dedicated to the short-term rental business. Whether or not you use these techniques, there is another crucial element to master if you want to succeed on Airbnb: the search results algorithm.

Airbnb's algorithm takes into account nearly 100 factors to determine ranking in search results. Although the algorithm is confidential, Airbnb revealed that the factors can be divided into three categories: traveler needs, information in the listing, and trip specifics. But the question is how to improve one's performance in these areas?

What is SEO on Airbnb?

Just as you need to optimize a website for search engines like Google, you need to optimize your listing for Airbnb's search engine.

However, unlike Google's ranking factors, Airbnb's SEO strategies do not take into account keywords or written content. Instead, it is about understanding what users do and how you, as a host, can meet their needs.

For example, one such action is the number of clicks in search results. Although it is not possible to control this data as a host, Airbnb considers it a very strong signal that customers click on certain listings to get more information. That said, Airbnb only counts clicks from different hosts. So don't try to click hundreds of times on your search result-it won't get you anywhere!

What are the factors of Airbnb's search algorithm?

- Guests' needs

This is a factor that hosts cannot control. Airbnb takes into account factors about the host, including where the search came from, previous trips, places on his or her wish list, listings he or she clicked on, etc.

- Ad details.

These are ranking factors that guests can influence. Listing details include items such as the number of five-star reviews of a property, the price and location of the listing, whether or not the instant booking function is used, the host's response speed, etc.

- Trip details

The details of the trip are also difficult for the owner to influence: they take into consideration the number of guests traveling, the duration of the trip, the date of booking, and the maximum or minimum price.

But the question is, what can be done to improve these aspects?

How can I get more reservations on Airbnb?

Optimizing search on Airbnb is the first step to gaining better visibility, attracting more guests and increasing bookings.

Here are RentalPro's 14 tips to better position yourself on Airbnb and start increasing revenue!

1. Keep your calendar updated

The first thing to do is to always make sure your Airbnb calendar is fully updated. Not only will you be seen as an active and responsive host, but you will also immediately improve your SEO for Airbnb. By updating your availability, you will appear in Airbnb's ranking algorithm and attract more potential guests.

2. Thinking like a traveler

Put yourself in your host's shoes. If you are a traveler on Airbnb, you want to find the perfect accommodation for your stay, and that is the goal of Airbnb. So when you prepare your home and create your listing, think about the type of traveler who would want to stay with you. Is your accommodation more suited to solo adventurers or families with children? Prepare your property and your listing for these travelers so they can find you easily.

3. Do not neglect high-definition photos

Use professional photos for your ad. Although this tip will not improve your ranking per se, it will be very helpful. Photos are the first impression travelers have of your accommodations, prompting them to click or not to click on your listing to learn more. Beautiful photos can also encourage travelers to put your listing on their wish list! The number of travelers who click on your ad and add your accommodation to their wish list influences your position in the search results.

4. Close the deal

Make as many bookings as possible. The number of travelers who click on your ad increases your search results, but it is also the ratio of the number of bookings (in jargon, conversions) to the number of clicks that counts in the algorithm.

According to Airbnb, "successful listings help hosts make decisions." So a detailed description and professional photos will not be enough. To systematically appear among the top listings in your region, you will need to complete your bookings.

5. Respond as quickly as possible

Be responsive. This will help you close bookings and achieve Superhost status. Try to respond to travelers' questions and comments as quickly as possible. The algorithm measures both response rate and response time. Never take more than 24 hours to respond to your guests.

NB: Airbnb does not give an explicit boost to Superhosts, but the factors that allow you to become a Superhost improve your ranking.

6. Opt for immediate booking

Make the booking experience as simple as possible. Airbnb implemented the instant booking feature in 2016, and the results are clear: Today, most travelers and owners use it. Given the immense popularity of this feature, Airbnb is increasing the visibility of listings that accept instant booking.

7. Reject and cancel as few reservations as possible

To stay at the top of the search results, your goal must be to reduce the number of cancellations and rejections as much as possible. If you opt for immediate booking, you have one month during which you will not be penalized for cancellations. Once this month has expired, you will be penalized if you cancel a reservation unless you have good reason. That said, it is very important to note that a good ratio of the number of bookings to the number of clicks is essential to maintain a good position in search results. To avoid rejections and cancellations, be sure to write as clear a set of rules as possible on your listing and use a channel manager to avoid overbooking.

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8. Beating the competition on price

It is critical to display competitive rates. Your rates are very important, as price is a major factor in travelers' decisions when comparing different listings. A simple rate change can exclude you from some searches. Design and implement a good pricing strategy to optimize your results.

9. Collect as many reviews as possible

Most users know that the number and quality of reviews received are among the factors that influence your ranking on Airbnb. Encourage your travelers to leave you a positive review; all you have to do is ask them. Explain that you want to improve your prospective travelers' experience by taking their comments into account. Be cooperative during their stay and try to accommodate their requests.

10. Don't make too many promises, but show off.

A surprise in the form of a good bottle of wine can sometimes make all the difference to travelers, but the incessant barking of the neighbor's dog can ruin their experience. That is why it is important to be realistic in advertising and never hide anything. But a good surprise is better than a bad one!

11. Complete your profile

Although this factor is often overlooked, your personal profile is very important. A friendly and welcoming description will help travelers decide between two similar listings. Also remember to have your profile checked by adding all the necessary information and providing the official documents required by Airbnb.

12. Flexible policies

Although it is not ideal to set the minimum length of stay at one night, because it may attract unwanted guests, it is certainly an effective technique for optimizing your search on Airbnb. If your listing has flexible terms, it will appear more often in search results, improving your rankings.

13. Using tourist rental software

Vacation rental software gives hosts the tools they need to improve Airbnb SEO. With a channel manager that makes it easier to keep track of your calendar and automatic communications with guests, you can ensure that your listing stands out and ranks higher on Airbnb.

14. Promote your ad on social media.

By creating professional online profiles and linking your Airbnb account, you will improve traffic to your listing. By doing so, you will appear in more search results and also improve your reputation.


Let's be honest: managing short term rental properties takes time, commitment and strategic planning, but it can definitely lead to remarkable results in terms of bookings and growth of your business.

To make sure you're doing it right, ask us at RentalPro: our decades of experience in the short-stay rental industry will guarantee you great results, thanks to the professional management of hundreds of properties that is now tried-and-true and recognized throughout the international arena.

Don't hesitate to contact us - RentalPro's Property Managers are here to help you maximize your business!

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